This year’s golf outing was a huge success! We want to thank everyone who volunteered, sponsored, and participated in this event. Your support made this day very special! Wow, and we were lucky to have fabulous weather too! We all know that the month of May can be a gamble in Ohio!
We had a great time seeing old friends and making new friends. It was so nice to be able to get out there and see people after a year of covid lockdowns. We hope everyone enjoyed the event and we can’t wait for next year!
Without further ado, here are the winners of the Golf Scramble.
Top 5 Teams:
- Winner: Madison County Board of Development Disabilities at -19
- Second Place: Chaney & Thomas Insurance Agency at -17
- Third Place: GRAMAG Team 1 at -16
- Fourth Place: KMAK Group at -15
- Fifth Place: Lynch Family Funeral Home and Morgan Stanley at a tie of -14
Again, a huge thank you to our sponsors:
Madison Health & GRAMAG – Event Sponsors
BST Trucking, Chillicothe Packaging, Coughlin Automotive – London, Dairy Queen, Duke Realty, e-Merge Real Estate/The Crace Group, Grace Energy Services, Independents Fiber Network, the KMAK Group, Los Mariachis, MKSK, Utility Pipeline, Andrix & Herman Insurance, Creative Carpets & Flooring, Dwyer Brothers Hardware, Dwyer Insurance Agency, Elite FTS, Flyers Pizza of West Jefferson, Geenex Solar, Krazy Glue, Lynch Family Funeral Home, Madison County Board of Development Disabilities, Mid Ohio Construction, Midwest Air Equipment, Wilson Printing & Graphics, Morgan Stanley, Susan Thompson/Mike Wilson, Buckeye Ford of London.
We would also like to thank the London Country Club for your space, Tradition Catering, Starr Trophy & Awards, and CK Signs & Apparel for your contributions.